Termékek ulterápia facial kezelés (2)

Organikus Hialuronsav Arckrém - 50ml Üveg

Organikus Hialuronsav Arckrém - 50ml Üveg

Moisturiser for Women with Aloe Vera - Total Age Repair Night Cream- Anti-Aging - This Organic Hyaluronic Acid Cream offers a 3-fold anti-ageing complex with deep moisturisation – Organic natural cosmetics made in Germany The development of wrinkles as well as the loss of tautness and elasticity can be traced back to multiple factors. One of them is a decrease in the body’s own hyaluronic acid production rate that gradually reduces with maturity. Our moisturising organic face cream assists in balancing out this decrease in production by supplying the skin with multi-molecular hyaluronic acid. Together with the complimenting botanical ingredients, our cream is the perfect addition to a balanced skin care routine. It supplies your skin with important nutrients as well as natural moisture and acts against the signs of skin ageing. As all products in our skin care line, the Organic Hyaluronic Acid Cream is vegan, skin compatible, and made in Germany with only the best ingredients and a touch of love.
Acerola Cukorkák - Vitaminok

Acerola Cukorkák - Vitaminok

Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei und schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei und erhöht die Eisenaufnahme. Inhalt: 115 Tabletten à 600 mg = 70g Wirkstoff: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C(V/V) Verzehrsempfehlung: Täglich 2 Tabletten 2 Tabletten enthalten 120 mg an Vitamin C*. (* deckt 150% des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs lt. NKV). Zutaten: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C, Süßungsmittel: Iosmalt, natürliches Himbeeraroma, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze von Speisefettsäuren, Füllmittel: Siliciumdioxid.